COVID-19 Relief Efforts
We are a small team, but we make sure the communities that we serve are cared for and supported when they need us most.

Timber Ridge
At Timber Ridge, Education Based Housing was able to serve various residents in front of the Learning Center via a walk up or pull up while still practicing social distancing. EBH Representatives also worked as a team to canvas the community including Phase I. of this property to also distribute.
Residents walked away with fresh fruit and vegetables (which is great because Timber Ridge is located in a food desert), toilet tissue, soap, paper towel, water, and antibacterial disinfectant cleaning spray. This was in addition to hot & nutritious meals distributed by our community partner, Discovering Healthy Foods, earlier the same day.
Education Based Housing was able to distribute approximately 45 sacks of fruit in addition to the other items previously listed above to approximately 25-40 residents. There was nothing left at the conclusion and Education Based Housing Representatives did not have to turn any residents away.
Hollyoak Senior Living
The rain did not stop EBH from serving our residents at Hollyoak, one of the senior properties we serve. Seniors are one of the most vulnerable populations during the COVID 19 pandemic, there are transportation barriers as there is no public transit within reasonable walking distance for seniors at this property, and various residents are not natives of Houston which contributes further hesitation for them to drive especially in the midst of shopping rushes caused by this global pandemic.
Residents were able to "shop" by selecting food essentials such as fresh produce while also securing hard to find essentials such as bread, eggs, toilet paper, paper towels, antibacterial disinfectant cleaner, and various meat.
Residents in need were given a pickup appointment, provided their own bags, met with our EBH Representative in a covered outdoor area, and selected items while our representative placed items in bags for them with sanitized & gloved hands. All parties practiced social distancing during the process while still being wonderful neighbors. For example, residents, such as Ms. Zelma, were honest about certain items she already had at home in efforts to leave those items to be distributed to other neighbors in need.
Residents, such as Ms. Sheila, were thrilled about the opportunity stating, "I need all that!"
Tranquility Bay
Our resilient residents at Tranquility Bay were able to receive several perishable and non-perishable food items to last a week via our wonderful community partner Christian Helping Hands.
EBH staff picked up on behalf of residents to further encourage social distancing & staying at home. This reduced potential exposure for residents as well as providing much-needed assistance for residents with transportation barriers.
Thanks to Top Tailors, a local Pearland business, we were able to provide hand made masks to our residents. This allows residents to practice safety and reduce exposure in style!