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Resident & Community Services

Resident & Community Services

Empower CDC strives to provide quality opportunities in education, family fun activities, community outreach to residents, and to families within the community in which we live and work, activities that promote awareness, and enrich the development of our children.

Empower CDC partners with its 10+ properties to deliver 25+ programs to over 2,000 households.

Our Programs at a Glance: 

  • Helping residents attain and sustain wellness: “Better you, Better me, Healthier WE”
  • Combating isolation while empowering: “Communities In-power”
  • Promoting a “sense” of safety- “Cover and Protect”
  • Empower(ed) to Create - Cooking Classes, Art Classes & Music 
  • Empower(ed) to Aid - Provide legal resources, Fraud prevention
  • Empower(ed) to Feed - Preservation of Life & Food Distribution 
  • Empower (ed to Restore - Job Fair & Expungement Clinic
  • Empower(ed) to Give - Back to school & Holiday Drives 
  • Project Canvas - Postsecondary Access 


  • Empower(ed) to Grow 
  • Empower(ed) to Pay it Forward
  • Empower(ed) to Read & Learn

Our Impact This Year

  • Number of Households Served


  • Number of food served $ worth


  • Number of community partners


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