An Expungement and Record Clearing Clinic is being offered by Empower CDC to help those with criminal records. The benefits include being able to obtain better employment opportunities, housing assistance, and even furthering one's education.
In addition, Empower(ed) to Restore Job Fair for Individuals with Criminal Justice Involvment will take place at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, TX on April 13, 2024. Click here to Register.
What are the benefits of expungement and record clearing?
An individual can experience a fresh start by having their criminal record expunged. The second chance at life allows an individual to move on from their past mistakes without being defined by them.
As one's criminal record can be haunting, it may hinder their growth as they seek employment, housing, education, etc. Through expungement, an individual can no longer be hindered, but can create a new life for themselves.
By expunging a criminal record, one will no longer have to fear being denied a job after a background check is conducted by a prospective employer.
According to LohrkeLaw, “Expungement can level the playing field by allowing individuals to present themselves as more than their past mistakes”. We cannot go back in time and correct our actions, but expungements allow individuals to sincerely acknowledge their mistakes and move forward with a new perspective.
Expunging a criminal record opens up more job opportunities and allows an individual to earn a better living. Instead of going from job to job, trying to make ends meet, this may allow the individual to find permanent employment. As a result, a person who is able to secure full-time employment is less likely to return to crime, reducing the likelihood of recidivism.
One of the benefits of having one's criminal record expunged is the ability to find better quality and safer housing options. With expungement, the tenant will no longer have to worry about their criminal history being brought up as a concern by landlords and property managers during background checks.
Criminal records may limit some individuals' access to secure housing. Furthermore, when someone is able to find stable housing, they are more likely to find work and focus on maintaining their new lifestyle. The likelihood of recidivism is also decreased with stable housing and employment.
The benefits of education for expunging one’s criminal record include the opportunity to further their education by earning a GED, going to community college, trade school, or a university. Criminal records may jeopardize your application at many educational institutions, which require background checks for students.
Individuals with criminal records are greatly hindered from furthering their education and acquiring more knowledge and skills for a successful career and livelihood. An expungement may allow him or her to have better access to educational opportunities.
What are the benefits of a Restoration Job Fair?
The benefits of a Restoration Job Fair include the opportunity to meet new people, particularly employers and other job seekers. It is a chance for individuals to present themselves in the best possible light to employers and showcase the skills and qualifications they possess. Further, the Job Fair provides hope to individuals seeking employment and reclaiming their lives.
To learn more about the Expungement clinic and Restoration Job Fair, visit our website empowercdc.org. To register for our Expungement Clinic, click here. To register for our Restoration Job Fair, click here.