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History of Book Worm Bus

Jeanna Guzman is a native Houstonian, growing up in the Energy Corridor and until 2018 was a long-time employee for Corporate America. During her transition, The Bookworm Bus was born. Starting from a conversation and reading initiative at Royal Elementary School in October 2017, she discovered 37% of 3rd graders were not reading at grade level. The school was seeking community support to engage students in reading and mentoring programs. 

The Bookworm Bus is founded on the belief that every child and adult deserve the opportunity to read and achieve their full potential. Reading is vital to all our future successes and currently 54% of Americans are reading at or below an 8th grade level. Not to be taken lightly, once lost, who will endure the hardships, socially, mentally, and economically, of a child not performing at grade level – All of us. 

Since Ms. Guzman launched The Bookworm Bus in December 2019, she has developed FREE programs to meet the needs of the communities:

-Library resources: books, arts & crafts, story time, games and more.

-Tutoring: focusing on 1st – 5th grade students in math, reading and homework assistance. 

-Dynamic Readers: a uniquely different and seriously fun summer reading program strengthening one’s self-confidence in becoming an independent reader.

-Mobile Nutrition: mini mobile food pantry and coming soon - community gardens to feed communities and eliminate food disparity. 

The bus is a true vehicle in change - developing lasting relationships and friendships and breaking down barriers due to lack of transportation, receiving hugs, high fives, trusted with their worries and concerns, the recipient of countless artworks and letters, and their infectious smiles. Knowledge makes the journey empowering individuals and communities to prosper.


Our Impact in 2023

  • Number of Households Served


  • Number of Food Served $ Worth


  • Number of Community Partners


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